Residential security services safeguard your property, its contents, and even your valuables against intruders, consisting mainly of vandals, disgruntled tenants, disgruntled workers, and disloyal employees. They work closely with you to investigate your residential property and those of your neighborhood to develop an airtight security plan for identifying, evaluating, and balancing risks. Once a risk is identified, residential security services offer comprehensive emergency service to protect the property and surrounding areas. Often, they are responsible for serving warrants and recovering stolen goods. They also provide additional services, such as monitoring fire alarms and emergency medical services, coordination with law enforcement agencies and emergency medical services, and evaluation and follow-up on suspicious activities and potential hazards.
If you are considering hiring residential security services for your property or for your entire neighborhood, you should first evaluate the needs of the company. While each organization has its own specialized skills and strengths, many specialize in particular types of threats to the property and the surrounding areas, while other companies offer services to address all forms of threat. You need to hire a company that can serve your community in an effective and timely manner, responds quickly to all threats, adheres to your security requirements, responds to changes in the neighborhood and area, and is able to provide the necessary assistance when needed.
One of the most common threats to residential security services is burglary. Many burglaries occur during the night and involve a high level of theft, often involving elaborate break-ins using a variety of sophisticated tools, money, or electronics. A highly experienced security coordinator will analyze any current or past burglary records of the property and neighborhood in question. After developing a thorough history of previous crimes, they will establish a baseline of appropriate response time and work to prevent a new crime from occurring. Depending on the nature of the property and the neighborhood in question, the security coordinator will develop specific plans for addressing the specific issues that may be unique to the home or neighborhood.
For example, if a large amount of property was recently stolen in a burglary, or a neighborhood is regularly plagued by burglaries, the residential security services professional will take steps to deter any attempt at burglary. These might include installation of heavy-duty outdoor lighting, shrubbery around the perimeter of the property, scrubbing of the exterior of the house and property, etc. The goal might also include installing security cameras or alarms. In addition, the security coordinator will often make arrangements with local law enforcement agencies so that they respond quickly to any reported burglary.
Similarly, a recent rash of home invasions has brought about increased calls to residential security services in every neighborhood. As the number of residential break-ins rise, so do the number of crimes committed by individuals, especially those who tend to live alone. A residential security services professional can often help address this problem by helping the homeowners whose doors have been forced open and identifying any stolen items. This includes looking for any keys, which can often be used to enter vehicles, as well as determining whether any monetary transactions have been made.
Finally, high-rise apartment complexes face unique problems that residential security services personnel must address. These complexes often have more than one entrance, and security officials believe there is a greater potential for criminals to enter through an upper floor than through an floor on the lower levels. In addition, because many of these high-rise apartment buildings are contained in a large, complex structure, breaking into one of the upper stories presents a far greater risk of exposure to danger than penetrating the building on the lower levels. Therefore, officers provide controlled access to the upper levels of these high-rise properties, where an officer will have a direct contact with the resident in question.
How Do Police Officers Provide Controlled Access to Homes?
